Dream Babes, Fantasy from the Margins: Open Session

Wed 6 December
Live Art Bistro
Regent Street
Leeds, LS27QA

An open Session led by the artist Victoria Sin exploring storytelling as a collective practice of centering intersectional queer experience.

Creating narratives that do not depend on existing historical and social infrastruct­ure and discourse is a crucial strategy that can be used to interrupt the often oppressive experience of the colonial, capitalist and patriarchal metanarratives that we are steeped in everyday.

This Open Session is an invitation for participants to bring and share excerpts of works of fiction (of their own or found) that they feel have allowed them a view from elsewhere within hegemonic cultural narratives.

This event is open to queer people who identify with an intersectional experience such as trans/non binary identified, people of colour, working class, people who identify as having a disability.

Open Session is free to attend but we do ask that you rsvp: contact@steakhouselive.co.uk so we have an idea of numbers.

Drinks will be served.

Artist Bio

Victoria Sin is an artist using speculative fiction within performance, moving image, writing, and print to interrupt normative processes of desire, identification, and objectification.

This includes; Drag as a practice of purposeful embodiment questioning the reification and ascription of ideal images within technologies of representation and systems of looking, Science fiction as a practice of rewriting patriarchal and colonial narratives naturalized by scientific and historical discourses on states of sexed, gendered and raced bodies, Storytelling as a collective practice of centering marginalized experience, creating a multiplicity of social contexts to be immersed in and strive towards.

Drawing from close personal encounters of looking and wanting, their work presents heavily constructed fantasy narratives on the often unsettling experience of the physical within the social body.

Their long-term project Dream Babes explores science and speculative fiction as a productive strategy of queer resistance, imaging futurity that does not depend on existing historical and social infrastructure. It has included science fiction porn screenings and talks, a three-day programme of performance at Auto Italia South East, a publication, and a regular science fiction reading group for queer people of colour.

Further Info

This event is part of an Artist Residency Programme run by Steakhouse Live and supported by Diverse Actions, a Live Art UK initiative.


Image: Victoria Sin, by Ari Kalyn